Breas-t Augmentation

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Breas-t Augmentation
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Breas-t Implants Surgeon in Andheri, Mumbai

If you lack a pleasing breas-t profile and are looking for a long-term solution, you can consider breas-t augmentation or breas-t augmentation surgery. Breas-t augmentation is also referred to as “boob job” or ‘breas-t aug’ by the patients. Medically the procedure is termed as ‘augmentation mammoplasty’. It is a cosmetic surgery to increase the breas-t size and create symmetry.


1. Fat transfer mammoplasty :- When fat from another part of the body is used to add fullness to the breas-t it is known as fat transfer mammoplasty. It may be done through liposuction or injections. The fat is usually removed from abdomen, hips, and thighs. The fat cells are injected after preparation and refinement into the breas-ts. This method is less conventional, and research is still going on to know its effectiveness and safety.

2. Breas-t implantation :- In this procedure breas-t implant is placed under the chest muscles or breas-t tissue.

Types Of Breas-t Implant

1. Saline breas-t implant- As the name suggests saline water implants are sterile water-filled implants. If the shell of implant leaks the implant will collapse, and the body absorbs and expels the saline naturally. This type of implant offers uniform shape and firmness. This is mainly available in the US and FDA approves them for the females above 18 years of age.

2. Structured saline breas-t implants- These implants are not just filled with sterile saline water but also have an internal structure that holds the implant in a better way in comparison to saline breas-t implants.

3. Silicone breas-t implants- These are cohesive silicone gel-filled breas-t implants that render a more natural look to your breas-t. They are elastic and soft. If the implant leaks, it does not collapse, and the gel remains within the shell of the implant or escapes and get collected in the breas-t implant pocket. FDA has approved silicone breas-t implants since 2001.

4. Textured breas-t implant- This type of implant develops a scar tissue so that the implant sticks, becomes repositioned and moves less. It diminishes the tight scar capsule risk.

5. Smooth breas-t implant- These are soft breas-t implants, and they move with breas-t to render a natural look.

6. Gummy bear breas-t implant-Gummy bear breas-t implants are form-stable implants filled with cohesive gel. They maintain the shape even after the shell is broken. The silicone gel present inside it is thick in consistency. In comparison to traditional implants, it is firmer.

7. Round breas-t implants- As round breas-t implant have all over the same shape, it gives the breas-t a fuller appearance in comparison to form-stable implants.

We cannot define a typical breas-t augmentation patient. Women may want to have this procedure for several reasons. The common goals of having a breas-t augmentation are mentioned below.

Causes: Why You Need Breas-t Augmentation Surgery

  • Females with small breas-t size who want to increase projection and fullness of breas-t to feel more confident and improve self-image.
  • To restore the lost breas-t volume after breas-tfeeding and pregnancy.
  • To improve the balance of curvy hip and breas-t contour.
  • Too small size of the breas-t has become a matter of embarrassment and botheration.
  • Asymmetrical breas-ts.
  • Both or one breas-t have an elongated shape or have not developed normally.
  • Breas-t reconstruction after injury or mastectomy

*Breas-t augmentation is not a solution for drooping breas-t, and you need a breas-t lift for it. A breas-t lift may be done separately or at the same time along with breas-t augmentation.

Who Are Good Candidates For Breas-t Augmentation Surgery

  • Women who are not pregnant or who is not breas-tfeeding a baby.
  • Women who are physically healthy
  • A female with realistic expectations
  • Female with a fully developed but small sized or elongated or asymmetrical breas-t

Precautions Before Surgery
Following steps may be taken to prepare you for breas-t augmentation:

  • You may be asked to get a blood test, and also doctor will physically examine you to evaluate your health condition. A baseline mammogram is required ahead of time.
  • Stop smoking a month before surgery.
  • Do not take anti-inflammatory medications and blood thinning medicines.
  • Breas-t augmentation surgery is done in an ambulatory surgical center, accredited outpatient or hospital. If the procedure is done on an outpatient basis, you need someone to drive you back home.
  • Drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Arrange someone to stay with you for the first night.
  • Wear loose clothes on the day of surgery.

The breas-t augmentation surgery is done in following steps:

1. Anesthesia- The first step is the administration of anesthesia. In most of the cases, general anesthesia is given. In selected cases, local anesthesia is provided, and only breas-t area is numbed. The selection of anesthesia is made by the surgeon depending on the type of surgery and patient’s health condition.

2. Incision- To minimize the visibility of scar, the incisions are made in the inconspicuous areas. Which incision option is best for you will be decided by you and your surgeon. Also, the type incision required varies depending on the type of implant, the anatomy of your breas-t, personal and surgeon’s preference and desired degree of enlargement.

Incision option

  • Inframammary Incision

Under the breas-t’s crease short incisions are made that leaves 1-2 inches thin scar. The scars are easily concealed within the breas-t crease. This type of incision allows the placement of gummy bear and silicone implants precisely.

  • Periareolar Incision

Here the incision is made around the outer edge of the areola. Thus, the resulted scar is placed within natural pigment transition. This type of incision is used when we need to perform mild or moderate breas-t lift along with breas-t implant.

  • Transumbilical Incision

The incision is made above the belly button. A saline breas-t implant is inserted through the trans-umbilical incision, and then it is brought up to the breas-t. There is a single scar made in this technique that leaves no scar on the breas-t. This cannot be used for silicone implants.

  • Transaxillary Incision

A small incision is made within the armpit where the chest area and armpit meets. The cosmetic surgeon places the breas-t implant with the help of specialized instruments and camera through the trans-axillary incision. The scar formed is under the armpit, and so breas-t augmentation is achieved without any scar on the breas-t.

3. Insertion and breas-t implant placement-Through the incision, the breas-t tissues are separated from connective tissue and muscles of your chest to create a pocket in the front or under the pectoral muscles behind the breas-t tissue. The implant is centered behind the areola area. The type of implant decides the method used to insert and place the implant.

4. The closing of incisions- The incisions are closed with layered sutures and the skin is closed with surgical tape or adhesive.

What To Expect?
You are taken to the recovery room after the surgery to monitor you closely. In an hour or so once your condition is stable, you are allowed to go home. During recovery, breas-t is wrapped with the gauze. A supporting bra or elastic bandage is recommended to support breas-t and minimize the swelling. Pain subsides in 1-5 days, but swelling and soreness of breas-t may take a few weeks to go. For a few days, the breas-t will be sensitive to jarring movements and physical contact. If non-dissolving sutures are applied, they are removed at a follow-up appointment. Also, if drainage tubes are placed, it will be removed during the follow-up appointment. If you had a sub-pectoral incision then for the first few days, your breas-t might seem to be settled high on the chest, but in a few months, it will sit in the optimal position. The final results take a few weeks. Incision lines may take a couple of month to years to fade.

Patients who had small breas-t or underlying asymmetry before surgery may have to wear a bandeau to shape their breas-t.

Breas-t health is not impaired by breas-t implant. Till date, no link has been found between systemic disease and autoimmune disease with breas-t implantation. Breas-t implant surgery does not guarantee lifetime result. In future, some patients may also need implant exchange or breas-t lift to restore youthful shape of their breas-t. Also, in future, the appearance of the enhanced breas-t may be influenced by aging, weight fluctuations, gravity, menopause and pregnancy.

Regular breas-t examination is a must after the surgery to evaluate breas-t health and impact of the breas-t implant.

The possible risks associated with breas-t augmentation surgery are as follows:

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Hematoma
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Changes in areola area and breas-t sensation
  • Poor scarring or scar tissue that may distort the breas-t implant’s shape.
  • Wrong position of the implant
  • Implant rupture and leakage ( not with cohesive gel silicone implants)
  • Scar tissue development around the implant
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Persistent pain
  • The skin over the implant may get wrinkled
  • The possibility of re-correction surgery

The chances of risks are rare, and the result lasts long if breas-t augmentation has been done by a qualified and well-experienced surgeon.

*If you experience fever, redness and warmth in your breas-t, pain in the chest or shortness of breath after surgery, contact your doctor immediately.

Precautions After Surgery

  • Take painkillers, antibiotics and other medicines as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Limit strenuous activities for a few days.
  • Wear support garment as recommended by your doctor.
  • Follow the instructions given by your doctor on bathing, cleaning the incision site and application of ointment.
  • Resume to your regular activity and exercise as directed by your doctor.
  • To access the condition of implant ultrasound or MRI is done after a month of surgery.
  • Females who choose silicone breas-t implants should visit their surgeon every 6 months to ensure that the implant is working correctly.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

1. Is there any link between anaplastic large cell lymphoma and breas-t implants?
FDA has approved the use of breas-t implants for breas-t augmentation as no link has been found between breas-t implants and breas-t cancer or connective tissue disease. The surgical techniques used for breas-t augmentation are continually being refined, and the safety and reliability of the procedures have increased.
2. Does insurance cover breas-t implants?
Unless medically significant, a breas-t implant is not covered by insurance.
3. Can breas-t implant hamper breas-tfeeding?
Most of the females successfully breas-tfeed their baby even after breas-t augmentation, but some may find it challenging.
4. Does mammogram get complicated after breas-t augmentation surgery?
If you had breas-t augmentation, you might require specific and additional views in addition to routine mammograms.
5. How to select a surgeon for breas-t implant whom you can trust?
Consult Mumbai’s most renowned board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Parag Telang.
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My nephew was born with ear deformity and no one could find a solution for that. Someone then suggested us Dr. Telang and we consulted him last month. I must say he is one of the best doctors!

Jitender Ahuja
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Everybody at the clinic is very supportive of support staff to the doctor. And lastly, the most important thing is that I got the results as per my expectations. Thanks, sir.

Simran Tiwari
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Dr. Parag Telang is perfect in his job. He leaves no stone unturned to bring out favorable results. He and his team devotedly work to provide results which are good for your health and personality.

Prasad Digital World
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