Breas-t Reduction

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Breas-t Reduction
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Breas-t Reduction Surgery in Mumbai

Larger breas-ts do not always mean beautiful breas-ts. Shape and proportion are what matters. Women who have large breas-ts or macromastia and want to achieve the size of breas-t proportionate to their body can go for breas-t reduction surgery in Mumbai.

What Is Breas-t Reduction Surgery?
Breas-t reduction surgery or reduction mammoplasty is the removal of excess tissue, fat and skin from the breas-t. It makes the breas-ts firmer, less bulky, reduces the size, improves symmetry, eliminates sagging and makes them aesthetically pleasing.

Breas-t reduction surgery is performed using any of the two procedures:

1. Liposuction- Liposuction is either done in conjunction with the excision technique or alone. In this procedure, only the excess fat tissue from the breas-t is removed. It is a less invasive method and leaves undetectable scars. The results are long-lasting. However, just patients who desire slight to moderate reduction in breas-ts size, have minimal or no sagging and good elasticity of skin can achieve optimal results through liposuction. In short, only those women will be benefited by this technique whose large breas-t size is because of excessive fat tissue.

2. Excision- Here breas-t reduction surgery is performed by making an incision on your breas-t and removing excess of glandular tissue, fat and skin.
Which procedure will be used to reduce the breas-t size depends on the patient’s condition, amount of the reduction, optimum result, surgeons advise and personal preferences.

Causes: Reasons Women Consider Breas-t Reduction Surgery
Breas-t reduction surgery is opted by females with disproportionately large breas-ts to mitigate following issues:

1. Chronic irritation and rash under the breas-t crease
2. The weight of the breas-t is causing pain in upper back, neck and shoulders that require painkillers for relief
3. Excess breas-t tissue limits physical activity
4. Nerve pain
5. Poor self-image, self-conscious, emotional or physical distress and lack of confidence
6. Difficulty in fitting into clothing and bra. Bra-strap causes shoulder indentation
7. Social stigma and unhappy with large breas-t size
8. Breas-t Sagging

Who are good candidates for breas-t reduction surgery?

  • Women who do not smoke
  • Candidates in good health and is not suffering from heart issues or diabetes
  • Women who are not obese
  • With fully developed breas-t ( 18 years and above)
  • Females who are not pregnant or breas-tfeeding
  • Women who are not on a weight loss program
  • A patient with a realistic expectation

What Are The Risks Related To Breas-t Reduction Surgery?
Breas-t reduction surgery is your personal choice. The chance of potential danger or complication is scarce if a board certified and an experienced surgeon is chosen. Below is the list of potential risks and complications:

  • Bleeding or hematoma
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Permanent pigmentation changes or skin discoloration
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Scarring
  • Loss of sensation in the areola area and surrounding skin
  • Inability or difficulty in breas-tfeeding
  • Asymmetry or shape irregularities
  • Chances of re-correction surgery

Precautions Before Surgery
To prepare you for the surgery following steps are taken:

  • Your surgeon will check your medical history and evaluate your present health condition. Also, complete lab test and baseline mammogram takes place
  • Stop smoking six weeks before the surgery
  • It is better to discuss your expectations and desired breas-t appearance with your surgeon before the surgery
  • Do not take anti-inflammatory medicines and herbal supplements that increase the risk of bleeding
  • If the surgery is to be performed on an outpatient basis arrange someone to drive you back and stay with you for the first night after the surgery
  • Do not eat anything 8 hours prior to surgery
  • Wear loose clothes on the day of surgery

Breas-t reduction surgery in Mumbai is carried out in a hospital, office-based surgical centre, or ambulatory/outpatient centre. Depending on the extent of breas-t reduction the whole procedure takes 1-3 hours to complete. Mostly it is recommended to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days post-surgery. Breas-t reduction surgery includes following steps:

1. Anesthesia- For your comfort during breas-t reduction surgery, intravenous or general anesthesia is administered. Mostly general anesthesia is administered.
2. Incision- Incision in the breas-t may be done in any of the following patterns:
A circular pattern around the areola- The incision lines are more visible in this pattern. Scars are permanent. However, swimsuit and bra can very well conceal the incisions.

Racquet or keyhole pattern- Here two incisions are made. One is made circling the areola and the second one runs down to the breas-t crease vertically from the bottom of an areola. This pattern is for women who need a moderate breas-t reduction and in whom there is noticeable sagging. This type of incision allows the surgeon to remove excess breas-t tissue, fat and skin and reshape the newer and smaller breas-t. Also, this incision pattern enables lifting the breas-t to give a more youthful look.

Anchor-shaped or inverted- Here three incisions are made. One around the areola edge, second vertically from areola to breas-t crease and third underneath the breas-t along the crease. This incision technique allows maximum tissue removal and shaping. This approach is for patients with big breas-t size, asymmetry or significant sagging.
3. Removal of tissues and repositioning- The areola area is moved to the new position while it is attached to the blood supply. The required areola is reduced by skin excising. The breas-t tissue is lifted, removed and re-shaped. If the patient has sizeable pendulous breas-t, the areola are removed and then transplanted to a higher position.
4. Closing the incisions- To reshape the smaller breas-t the incisions are brought together. To create and support the newer breas-t, sutures are layered deep within the breas-t tissue. Skin is closed with surgical tapes and skin adhesives.

What To Expect?
After the surgery, your breas-t is covered with bandage or gauze dressing. For how long you will have to keep the dressing depends on recovery time. Excess of fluid or blood is drained by placing a thin tube under the arms.
Results are immediate but take a few months to be completely visible. For a few days, your breas-t might be bruised, swollen, sensitive to touch and tender. Although the incision lines are permanent, they fade, and appearance significantly improves with time. You might be recommended to wear elastic compression bra to support your breas-ts during the recovery period. If non-dissolving sutures are applied, then stitches will be removed in 1-2 weeks.
Successful breas-t reduction gives you a proportionate figure, improves your self-image and increases your ability to take part in physical activity. The results are permanent, however, in the future, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, gravity, hormonal changes and ageing may affect the size and shape of the breas-t.

Precautions After Surgery
For fast recovery your surgeon will recommend you following precautionary measures:

  • A cold compress for 48-72 hours to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • For a few months post-surgery avoid wearing an underwire bra.
  • Limit your physical activities during the recovery period.
  • Make sure that during the healing period the incisions are not subjected to abrasion, excessive force or motion.
  • Do not lift your hands over the head or bend during the recovery period.
  • Regularly visit your surgeon to check the recovery.
  • Baseline mammography is done after the surgery.
  • Take the recommended antibiotics and painkillers to decrease the chances of infection.
  • Follow the instructions given by your surgeon regarding bathing and cleaning incisions. Usually, for first three days after surgery, only sponge bath is recommended. After eight days you can change your bra, and after 14 days you can take a regular shower. Some surgeons may suggest you to even wear a bra in the shower for a few weeks.
  • Avoid lifting heavyweight
  • Avoid smoking until complete healing takes place.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

1. How much will breas-t reduction surgery cost?
The cost of breas-t reduction surgery includes surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, hospital room fee, lab test fee and post-surgery garment price. The total amount varies depending on your location and surgeon’s skill.
2. Who is the best doctor for best reduction surgery?
Meet Mumbai’s most experienced and board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr Parag Telang
3. Is breas-t reduction surgery covered by insurance?
If there are medical causes behind having a breas-t reduction surgery it may be covered by insurance. However, for reimbursement pre-certification is required.
4. Will I experience pain after breas-t reduction surgery?
You will experience mild to moderate pain for a few days after breas-t reduction surgery. The pain can be controlled easily using prescribed painkillers.
5. What is the long-term outcome of breas-t reduction surgery?
Women with proportionately large breas-ts after reduction mammoplasty have a youthful appearance, active lifestyle and no discomfort.
6. How many days after reduction mammoplasty can I resume regular work?
You may resume your regular work and exercise after a week or two after breas-t reduction surgery.
7. After how many days of breas-t reduction surgery can I drive?
You will be able to drive the very next moment you do not experience the pain of wearing the seatbelt.
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Breas-t Reduction
Breas-t Reduction
✱ Opinion / Results may vary person to person.
Breas-t Reduction
Breas-t Reduction
✱ Opinion / Results may vary person to person.
Breas-t Reduction Surgeries
✱ Opinion / Results may vary person to person.

I consulted Dr. Telang for a breast reduction and lift. He explained the process thoroughly and patiently. He is very approachable after the in-person consultation to answer residual questions. I did not feel the need to look for a second opinion post my conversation with him. The nurses and the staff at the clinic on the day of the surgery were extremely courteous and professional. The result exceeded my expectations in feel and recovery time. Dr. Parag Telang's knowledge in field is unquestionable and would highly recommend him and his clinic.

Plant Power
✱ Opinion / Results may vary person to person.

My nephew was born with ear deformity and no one could find a solution for that. Someone then suggested us Dr. Telang and we consulted him last month. I must say he is one of the best doctors!

Jitender Ahuja
✱ Opinion / Results may vary person to person.

Dr. Parag Telang is perfect in his job. He leaves no stone unturned to bring out favorable results. He and his team devotedly work to provide results which are good for your health and personality.

Prasad Digital World
✱ Opinion / Results may vary person to person.